Friday, June 12, 2020

Why Your Essay Must Reflect Your Audience

Why Your Essay Must Reflect Your AudienceAn essay that doesn't have any reflection is missing a huge part of what it means to be a reflection essay. You see, reflection takes a certain type of intelligence, a certain type of artistic talent, and most importantly a certain amount of honesty and integrity.To be a reflection essay, you need to show the reader that you have thought about your essay. You need to have looked at the issues and decided how to resolve them. If you don't, then you are falling short of being a reflective essay writer.An essay is a very personal piece of writing. It's a way to share your thoughts and feelings with the reader. When you open your essay with a statement about your feelings, or how you believe, it has a very powerful effect on the reader. They are interested in knowing how you came to those conclusions, and this is how you accomplish that.It also allows you to have the chance to widen your readers' horizons. The more you look and learn, the more you are able to share with the audience. By widening the audience, you are widening the scope of your subject matter.The audience can also expand by adding topics to the one you choose. Consider the fact that one audience may only be interested in one type of situation, but you may need to include topics for many types of situations. This will help you to broaden your audience too.You must be honest in all areas of your essay. The essay may be written about politics, but if you try to hide information about yourself, the reader won't trust you. The reason they will be distrusting you is because you didn't give them the full picture of who you are.A true reflection must not only reflect the writer's ideas, but it must reflect the reader's needs. This means that your opinion and feelings should be examined in relation to your audience's expectations and wants. A true reflection is an honest attempt to find common ground with your audience, and not just another opinion on a topic that may be controversial.The essay should have something to say about every problem that faces the world today. You should allow your audience to feel the depths of your sadness, or joy, or sorrow, and let them know that your essay isn't about them, it's about you.

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